Christian Speaker
Fayetteville Arkansas 72701
If Satan's bothering you a lot, you must be doing something right!
I love speaking to women's groups and putting my creative slant on spiritual truths. I do some of my presentations in costume, which gives a little levity and takes "me" out of the picture. My goal is to share Truth in such a way that women will relate to it and remember it and be changed by it. I want women to be inspired by what I say to dig deeper in the Word for themselves and get to know better the One who makes us sisters. I am most comfortable speaking to women in attendance at retreats or luncheons because they are there by choice. When women are seeking to grow and learn and hear my "take" on a life lesson(s), they are open-minded and bless me so much. At an overnight or all-day event, I get to know some of the ladies and that's always such a treat and I'm blessed more than they are I'm sure.
Submitted by Gina Franzke, Pre-School Minister & Director Of Women's Ministry on Wednesday, Mar 05, 2025
I am amazed that during these years of continual change and transition, God was been writing a song on Debby's heart. At first she did not accept it because the etching of her Heavenly Father's pen was too painful. Now, she has a beautiful "heart-song" to sing. It is coming out from her and she can not keep it quiet. God is using "His Song" to bring life change into the hearts and lives of many women across the country.
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Submitted by Mary Noble on Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024
The content of Debby's presentation was very meaningful, well thought out and she presented it with no notes whatsoever. She was recommended to our group by a friend and I am so thankful that we were able to get her to come and speak to our women. She really touched all of us! Although her delivery was excellent, I think the thing that impressed us the most, was the sincerity of her heart and the strong faith that she conveyed. She is truly a compassionate and exemplary Christian woman!
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Submitted by Pastor on Thursday, Nov 30, 2023
Debby shares from her life that has been so blessed by the Lord. She understands "small town America," for that is where she was raised. She understands the "life of a wife and mother" and will have much to share from this important segment of her life. She understands struggles and personal pain," and will share from a heart of brokenness. She understands "life in the church" and has demonstrated remarkable churchmanship all these years. Debby is "the real deal," so please consider using her soon.
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After 40 years with the love of my life, that man left me for another - man! Devastation beyond belief and an understanding of divorce and loneliness that I never wanted, but God gifted...
Posted by Debby Sellers on 08/10/2016
I share the accomplishments of women of the past and encourage women to use their God-given gifts and talents to change the world - even if it's just by changing a diaper....
Posted by Debby Sellers on 04/29/2017
For Mary, her most prized and valuable possession was expensive perfume, but we all have something valuable to offer. I encourage women to dig deep and discover what is most precious...
Posted by Debby Sellers on 04/29/2017
I do one-person (mostly) skits about Mary and Martha, the woman caught in adultery, the woman with the issue of blood, the widow who gave her last penny, and the woman at the well....
Posted by Debby Sellers on 04/29/2017
We often feel taken for granted, smudged, cracked, and broken, but God says we are His masterpieces. As women, we need to know that Jesus elevates us and honors us and finds us beautiful...
Posted by Debby Sellers on 08/25/2018