Leader’s Guide for Sue’s 12 Week Bible Study, “Hospitality 101: Lessons from the Ultimate Host” Special Note: When you buy 3 Bible study books on Amazon, send your order confirmation to sue@welcomeheart.com and you’ll receive this Leader’s Guide for FREE! ...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020
A 12-week study of the biblical view of hospitality to be used for individual or group settings. Each chapter reviews a different aspect of God's hospitality provided for us, our RSVP to Him--our Ultimate Host--and a fun weekly assignment to provide hospitality for others--plus 12 recipes! It companions Come to My Table: God's Hospitality and Yours but can stand alone. Good for individual or small group use. ...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020
Fabulous & Focused addresses the issues that business women encounter every day, including communications, relationships, opportunities, integrity, professionalism, and achievement. This devotional is a helpful companion and an inspiring start to every day. Written with humor and insight, the authors share hard learned lessons and provide guidance for the many challenges and opportunities that women face in their career. (Co-authored with Gena Maselli.) ...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 02/26/2019
Who is the Holy Spirit and what purpose does He fulfill in a person’s life? One of the passages of Scripture that our Heavenly Father gave me when He called me into ministry was Zechariah 4:6 which states, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” It has become the foundation of how I live my life. This book is a must read for people who desire to know and have the power of the Holy Spirit operating in their lives. It is not filled with fluff or imagination regarding God’s Spirit. The material in this book was first taught in one of our annual...
Posted by Paula Harris on 01/24/2019
C ry, Laugh, Cook! -New Book- How often do we talk about our lives growing up? Do we think about how our relationships with our siblings have changed over the years? Do we recognize the humor all around us? What lessons have we learned, what traits do we embrace, and what foods take us back home? This is the fabric of our lives—our history. Re- cording the experiences and ideals that carry us through life is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our family. This book is an example of one way to share the gift of who we are. The book will not be read just once. The threads...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Farm Days is a collection of stories and adventures of a Midwestern family farm in the 20th Century. It’s a remembrance of a simpler time without distractions of satellite television, personal computers, and cell phones. It’s a reflection of a time when working together as a family was essential for accomplishing a day’s work, yet experiencing adventures together was commonplace. As you turn the pages of Farm Days, you’ll breathe in the sweet smell of freshly-baled hay, glide across an icy pond, cry as favorite pets die, feel the rush of the wind as you soar from...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
There is a time for everything, and everything on earth has its special season. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) We have favorite seasons of nature, but what about spiritual seasons? You might have a favorite spiritual season, but you cannot live in it every moment of your life. You can choose to sit and pout about it, or you can use the time given to you, learning the lessons and growing the way God purposes. Every season combines with other seasons to complete a person’s life and purpose on earth. Growth is only possible because of the combination of seasons. We think we can handle our experiences—past,...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
In this six-week Bible study on the Book of Joshua, we will join God’s people as they arrive on the edge of the promised land only to find themselves in hostile territory, faced with fear and uncertainty. As we dig into the story of how Joshua and the Israelites claimed God’s promised victory, we’ll discover that winning the worry battle requires more than having faith; it requires learning to fight in faith! Following their bold, courageous footprints, we’ll learn how to fight in faith as we internalize God’s promises, draw strength from God’s faithfulness,...
Posted by Barb Roose on 01/30/2018
Unleashing artistic talent is amazingly therapeutic. Uncovering the artist buried inside, or better yet, helping others recover the hidden artist inside, is extremely rewarding. Coloring is ideal therapy for a weary soul. Because coloring frees our active minds from the unhealthy effects of stress, it is especially appropriate for educational or spiritual retreats. Find out how to involve veterans, prisoners, seniors, and/or students in this amazingly simple yet creative outlet. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. ...
Posted by Jodie Randisi on 07/18/2017
Do you know how to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength on a daily basis? Is it even a possibility? Most of us don't realize loving God with all that we are is simply responding to a God who loved you and me before we could love Him in return. This Prayer Journal for Responding to LOVE takes Scripture, powerful quotes, and helpful tips to guide you in learning how to love God with everything you are as a response to His love toward you. Using these resources, as well as self-assessments and recaps of lessons examined through a video series by the...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 04/22/2017
Uncommon is a battle cry for women to step out of the ordinary and live differently. It's a blueprint for a life full of passion and purpose. And it has the power to change everything. Carey Scott, author, speaker, and certified Biblical Life Coach, invites you to journey alongside her as she introduces you to women from the Word who chose to live uncommon lives even in the toughest circumstances. From stepping into scandalous situations to breaking cultural norms to risking the departure of a comfortable life, you will discover hope and motivation to...
Posted by Carey Scott on 04/21/2017
Dear Leader, I’m so thankful for your sweet service to our Lord, and your desire to lead others to follow Him more closely. Your job is so important! Especially as we talk about moving in a new direction: from Control Girls to Jesus Girls. As we study the stories of seven controlling women in the Bible, we’ll be looking for two things: Warnings and lessons for ourselves.New insights about God. Yet our goal is broader than just knowing new things. We want to turn in a new direction because we see and know and believe what is true. And what is true about this subject of control?...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017