Farm Days is a collection of stories and adventures of a Midwestern family farm in the 20th Century. It’s a remembrance of a simpler time without distractions of satellite television, personal computers, and cell phones. It’s a reflection of a time when working together as a family was essential for accomplishing a day’s work, yet experiencing adventures together was commonplace.
As you turn the pages of Farm Days, you’ll breathe in the sweet smell of freshly-baled hay, glide across an icy pond, cry as favorite pets die, feel the rush of the wind as you soar from the hayloft, and learn lessons that only come with mistakes and experiences. Whether or not you grew up in the country, you’ll become a part of this family farm experience through the stories of the Hacke farm. After all, when a meal was served on the family farm, everyone working or visiting was welcome. Pull up a chair!