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Hope Reigns Eternal

Hope Reigns Eternal

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Athens, AL

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Salvation Date
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Ford's Chapel United Methodist Church
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Experienced (over 10 events)
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More About Debi Trumbull

Protect - Heal - Encourage

Passion blended with a dynamic presentation style is what you will get when you invite Debi to be a part of your next community or faith-based program. Debi Trumbull is a person on a mission to bring hope and healing to everyone challenged by life's adversities. Over the past twenty-five years she has dedicated her life to preventing and helping others overcome the damaging effects of child abuse, substance abuse and domestic violence. In her book- A Thousand Voices in the Night: Healing the Trauma of Childhood Abuse in the Light of Matthew 18- Debi explains the “Thousand Voices in the Night” are friends, neighbors, strangers you pass every day, even family members. They are the wounded whose walk with the Lord has been impacted by abuse, and are searching for answers. They are the hurting with whom God seeks to restore a lasting, loving, healing relationship. Debi knows because for so many years her voice was one of them. Growing up in an abusive home where she endured years of emotional, physical and sexual abuse she often wondered where God was in her life, and if He ever heard her prayers. If He did hear, did He really care? Yet hers is not a story of defeat, but of victory! Debi will infect you with her zest for life, her deep and abiding faith in Jesus Christ and her passion for helping others as she shares her remarkable story of a life truly redeemed. Debi has served with a number of various agencies and organizations including: the Army Family Advocacy Program, the National Children’s Advocacy Center, the Huntsville Association for Pastoral Care, Partnership for a Drug Free Community, and the Mental Health Center of Madison County. As a regional trainer with the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church she has assisted numerous churches of various denominations throughout Alabama develop policies and procedures to protect children in their care. Since 1992 she has facilitated support groups for adult survivors of childhood abuse. Debi holds a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Texas. She resides in Athens, Alabama with her husband Harry, and is the proud mother of daughters Kimberly & Kristin.

Debi Trumbull Recommendations

Submitted by Every Child Has A Story on Wednesday, Oct 09, 2024

Beverky Jones-Durr, Founder/CEO

Debi is an amazing woman! I first met her at Toastmasters where she could always be found helping developing speakers fine tune their communication skills with care and excellence. Her conversational approach to speaking puts listeners at ease and creates a unique experience for learning. Debi understands her audience and professionally lays out her presentation with clarity and grace. If you are looking for an outstanding speaker who will inspire, empower and move your audience to action... Debi Trumbull is the one you seek.

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Submitted by Guntersville First United Methodist Church on Monday, Apr 22, 2024

Shirley Chupp, Minister Of Pastoral Counseling

Debi is a beacon of light for those who have experienced the pain of abuse. Her program "Healing a Wounded Heart" is a tremendous journey toward acceptance, grace forgiveness and ultimately - peace.

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Submitted by The Speaking Husky on Monday, Feb 06, 2023

Bill Boulton, Owner

I have heard Debi make numerous effective speeches! Debi Trumbull is a great speaker, who is: Heartfelt, professional, caring, knowledgeable, interesting, and courageous. Debi speaks about—Living a full life after being abused as a child! Debi is a passionate advocate for children, families, and abuse survivors. The disciple of Jesus who I most relate to is Thomas. While I love great speeches, it is not words, but action that makes believe or disbelieve the words that come out of a speaker’s mouth. Here’s what I have seen from Debi since I met her almost two years ago—Consistent practice of The Golden Rule. Debi treats everyone in our group with dignity, love, and respect, regardless of personality, race, political beliefs, and all the other silly things that we sometimes use to divide ourselves as a society. To me, Debi exhibits Christ like love through her actions and behavior.

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Submitted by Jackson Way Baptist Church on Monday, Oct 31, 2022

Rene Gilliland, Member

Debi Trumbull has just the right blend of head and heart to make her an excellent choice for many different events. Her organization skills are beyond compare; she is always prepared, professional and presents even complex ideas in a way that audiences can connect with and remember. But it is her passion -- particularly for those who have struggled spiritually and emotionally due to childhood abuse -- that comes through most clearly. Debi's faith is a shining example of God's ability to bring joy and peace in the midst of life's storms ... and don't we all go through storms now and then?

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Submitted by Every Child Has A Story on Thursday, Oct 07, 2021

Beverky Jones-Durr, Founder/CEO

Debi is an amazing woman! I first met her at Toastmasters where she could always be found helping developing speakers fine tune their communication skills with care and excellence. Her conversational approach to speaking puts listeners at ease and creates a unique experience for learning. Debi understands her audience and professionally lays out her presentation with clarity and grace. If you are looking for an outstanding speaker who will inspire, empower and move your audience to action... Debi Trumbull is the one you seek.

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Submitted by Ford's Chapel United Methodist Church on Monday, Nov 02, 2015

Calvin Havens, Pastor

Debi grew up experiencing the pain and trauma of sexual abuse. It shaped her life negatively until she met Christ as a young adult. Since this defining transformation she has made it her life’s goal and passion to minister to those who have endured similar situations. She knows the power of healing prayer and has the gift of encouragement. Amazingly she has written a book where she is transparent about her life and all God has brought her through. She easily resonates with her audience especially those who have experienced hurts from trusted loved ones.

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Debi Trumbull Speaking Topics

The Power of One- Making a Difference in the Life of a Hurting Child

Anyone can make a difference in the life of a child who’s hurting. Even though the abuse occurred in the privacy of her home, Debi had people outside her home that gave her hope...

Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015

Developing a Child/Youth Protection Policy for Your School, Church or Organization

From a keynote speech emphasizing the need for a child/youth protection policy to a four-hour to two-day workshop on developing and implementing your own policy, Debi will provide...

Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015

Healing the Hurt of Betrayal

Each individual’s hurt is unique, and each journey to healing is different, but all share the same goal: wholeness. Whether you are a person who has been hurt, or are in loving...

Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015

In the Desert with Only a Paddle

Ever think to yourself, “If only I had what I needed to get the job done, life wouldn’t be so hard”? In these tough times it is becoming increasingly difficult to...

Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015

Kids Don’t Always Say the Darnedest Things

Would you really know how to listen to your child if he or she was in danger of being hurt or abused? Gain the confidence and skills needed to become your child...

Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015

Dress the Body You Have, Not the One You Want: Learning to Live in Today

Feel like you’re just not quite good enough physically or spiritually, or that you’ll never measure up? It really doesn’t matter whether you are standing in the dressing...

Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015

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