Nothing Is Wasted: A True Story of Finding Peace in Chaos chronicles a mother’s journey of trials and doubts, faith and triumph, through the rocky terrain of her son’s life with Asperger Syndrome, bipolar disorder, depression, and addiction. The reader has a mom’s eye view of the challenges she and her family face as they navigate through the public school system, private rehab programs, the Texas justice system, and normal life as evangelical Christians with a child who doesn’t seem to “fit the mold” of expectation in any given system, let alone in his...
Do you find yourself grappling with frustrations and setbacks in life? It might seem like for every step forward, you're pushed two steps back. But amidst life's challenges, there is hope. Delve into the transformative wisdom of Dr. Evelyn Johnson-Taylor, a seasoned Bible teacher, as she unveils seven common barriers that hinder blessings in your life. In "Seven Blessing Blockers," Dr. Johnson-Taylor equips you with invaluable insights and practical keys to break free from these obstacles and step into a life of victory. Let her guide you as you unlock the doors to the abundant...
Sometimes life is just hard; hard to breathe, hard to laugh, hard to cry and hard to live. No matter what we go through the ultimate element of our survival is trusting in God. Yet, even when we know to trust in Him, do we really do it? Lynnette Appling teaches a gripping, candid and intriguinging message concerning The Heart Of A Woman. She unveils a series of personal insights that exposes the human realities of her Christian walk. By becoming transparent, she allows women to share her expereinces and learn about the integrity and character of God's heart. She answers questions so many...
Moses was an eyewitness to the glory of God. Despite his sometimes crippling sense of inadequacy, he was chosen to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Moses’ encounters with our Lord enabled him to continue despite his personal sense of unworthiness and the many obstacles and hardships he experienced along the way. “He persevered because he saw Him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27). As you see God move on behalf of His people during the Exodus, you will gain a greater revelation of His matchless power and holy character. The same God who was concerned about His people’s...