Kelly has contributed to twelve compilation books including two Chicken Soup for the Soul editions, a Guideposts series, two Cecil Murphey books, and Love is a Verb Devotional by Gary Chapman. Please visit to view these books. Follow the affiliate link to purchase copies for yourself or as a gift. ...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
Kelly was bored. Growing up in a quiet Amish town in Northeastern Ohio in the 1970s, she was always on the hunt for excitement. Meeting Dace was an unexpected thrill. Home from the U.S. Navy, this handsome young musician shared his drugs, music, experiences beyond her naiveté. She never dreamed his charming façade hid a misogynist, eager to take control of her life. This is Kelly's journey from pregnant teen bride to a brainwashed wife, begging God to kill her abuser. As life became more dangerous she had to flee to protect herself and her two toddlers. Her search for independence...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
Author and speaker Mina R Raulston shares her story from abuse to healing and leads readers along the path God led her to find spiritual healing. ...
My brother, Glen House, MD, was a typical twenty-year-old, college student when he suffered a skiing accident that paralyzed him. But he never pitied himself, he was never angry and he never wavered in his faith. Instead, he pushed forward—with often nothing but sheer determination to sustain and motivate him—and went on to become a doctor, inventor, businessman, husband and father who now daily touches the lives of others facing physical difficulties. This is not a story of his disability; this is a story of Glen’s success-ability. Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
Make a Big Deal Out of Nothing - Book - How to be a motivational speaker and best selling author. You have everything you need to become a successful, published author and motivational speaker. Make a Big Deal Out of Nothing shows you how. Yvonne Conte, herself the successful author of six self-published books, shares everything she learned along the way in this step-by-step guide. Whether you are at the idea stage or if you are ready to look for a printer, Yvonne covers every aspect of publishing and marketing your book. Learn about ISBN's, copyrights, agents, printers, and more....
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Look great, spend less, and work on who you are both inside and out! America’s inspirational image consultant is giving you her professional tricks and fashion tips to help you look Simply Stylish . Discover: The “OOH” Wardrobe Game ChangerHow to Shop and Get the Best Deals Anywhere Style Advice for Every Body TypeYour Best Colors for Clothes and Makeup100 Tips to Downsize Your Closet and Upscale Your StyleThe Top 10 ‘What to Wear’ and ‘What NOT to Wear’The Best Clothing Brands for Your Style10 Tips to Look 10 Pounds Thinner and 10...
Posted by Jill Swanson on 12/06/2018
A collection of stories from thirty women speakers that range from overcoming adversity to graceful aging. My chapter is based on my own story of overcoming lives challenges to glorify God. My chapter found on page thirty-three is entitled Relentless and is a brief snapshot of my story and my talk by the same title. Be relentless! Never give up! No matter what hardships you may face, dig deep within yourself and find the strength and courage to continue. Often relentlessness can be thought of as a negative; however, I think of relentlessness as a positive. It’s the quality of being tenacious,...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 10/19/2018
“Karen Porter’s fresh approach and real-life stories communicate God’s truth in a fun and relevant way. Get this book today and find God’s victory for you.” —Andrea Booth, Author, Women’s Ministry Leader. Andrea and her husband Garrett Booth pastor Grace Church, Houston **** Discover the secrets to overcoming giants from a few obscure verses in the Old Testament. Four giants and four mighty warriors are named. The surprise is in the meanings of their names. The secrets to slaying the giants are found in the meanings of the names of the warrior...
Posted by Karen Porter on 09/27/2018
Motherhood comes with a bombardment of emotions. Some are positive; others aren’t. Most are overwhelming at times. You’re not alone. People have children every day. Many have only the slightest idea what they’re doing. But they know one thing: they want to do their best. You want to do your best. To provide for your children and love them with everything you have. To not let them down. To not make the same mistakes your mom made, to be the kind of mom your mom was to you, or some combination of the two. The anticipation and possibilities for your child and yourself as...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Faith isn’t just believing. It’s knowing. We don’t have to be certain about everything in order to be certain in faith. Certainty of faith is certainty of and in God. It’s saying, “I know God” even when I don’t know the answer. It’s replacing our search for answers with a search for the personal God who wants a relationship with us so he can progressively reveal himself to us. Certainty of faith is replacing the “what ifs” with the “who is.” Perhaps you’re not certain about God. You believe you hold the certainties...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Imagine if your good friends were a couple dedicated to help you build the marriage you’ve always dreamed of. Steve and Rhonda are that couple. Every page feels like a candid conversation with friends who care deeply about helping you enjoy the marriage you’ve always hoped for. *And Steve & Rhonda have made a FREE VIDEO SERIES to go along with each chapter of The Marriage Mentor . So, if you can’t get your spouse to read the book, read it yourself and then share with them the short, fun, videos with Steve & Rhonda....
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018
In this full interview, Shana shares about her struggle with low self esteem caused by facial deformities and how Christ helped her overcome low self esteem. ...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/24/2018