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Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018


Motherhood comes with a bombardment of emotions. Some are positive; others aren’t. Most are overwhelming at times. You’re not alone. People have children every day. Many have only the slightest idea what they’re doing. But they know one thing: they want to do their best. 

You want to do your best. To provide for your children and love them with everything you have. To not let them down. To not make the same mistakes your mom made, to be the kind of mom your mom was to you, or some combination of the two. The anticipation and possibilities for your child and yourself as a mom overwhelm you.

There’s no comprehensive manual for motherhood, but Mombarded invites you into a devotional journey. Packed with 52 devotions of encouragement and challenges and space for you to jot notes about your journey, year after year, Mombarded will keep you growing as a mom. Someday, you can pass your copy of Mombarded to your daughter or daughter-in-law to encourage her, too, letting her know she is not alone.

Settle in. Savor the journey. Be ready to grow and change. As you do, so will your children.

Available on Amazon.

