Christian Speaker
Saint Augustine Florida 32080
God did not give you a spirit of Fear!
Speaker, Teacher
Judy lives with her husband Tony in St. Augustine, where she has also owned and operated a hairstyling salon and clothing boutique for the last 30 years. She has a married daughter, Jessica, who is an elementary school teacher. Judy is on staff at her local church, where she has served as Women’s Minister for 10 years, following graduation from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with her Certification in Women’s Ministry. Judy is a Certified Christian Life Coach and also an Inductive Bible Study teacher, having been certified at the Kay Arthur Precept Ministries Institute. She is currently leading a Sunday women’s Lifegroup and a Wednesday night Bible study at her home church. With a Spirit-filled passion for Women’s Ministry, Judy has written several booklets to guide and instruct women in every aspect of their ministries, and also a Bible Study, entitled “In my Father’s Garden”, inspired by her loving relationships with both her earthly and heavenly fathers. Through workshops, seminars and conferences, Judy has been sharing her messages to women throughout the south.
Submitted by Anastasia Baptist Church on Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025
Judy Tripi will bless the women in your church with her encouraging word and Bible-centered approach to spiritual growth. She is solid in her faith and a gifted speaker and women’s conference leader. Judy inspires women to achieve their spiritual potential while she guides them to be more fulfilled as women and happier in their roles as wives, mothers and church members.
On Topic
Submitted by FBC Lake Placid, FL on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024
I sat with you at the Ladies event in Lake Placid. My sister inlaw, Jane, was sitting next to me. She told me later that she just wished you could have kept on speaking, that she wanted it to go on - tell us more! I remember you saying you didn't know how much time you had and I told you as much time as it takes!... Thank you for your wonderful ministry and for taking time from your busy schedule to spend time with us. It was a joy to meet you and Tony and to hear your witness as to how God has worked in your life and the lives of your family. You have not kept silent about sharing your faith.
On Topic
What Christmas really means when you keep “Christ” in the celebration. Judy's insights are spiritually uplifting and will definitely put you in the holiday spirit....
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015
How do we get in God’s spiritual garden and spend time with Him? It is also the title of Judy's latest book....
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015
Be empowered and blessed by the Word of God. Learn how God will set you free when you rely on Him as your source of strength....
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015
How do you find the time to spend with God? Judy gives practical steps that help you do just that....
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015
“Created in the likeness of God”, your personality type can reveal a lot about you and your relationships with others....
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015
Simple, children's Fairy Tales are used to show women that true beauty is on the inside, not outside. Applying her skills and experience as a Hairstylist and Fashion Coordinator,...
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015