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Atlanta, GA
Rachel White is an author and motivational speaker, with an extensive psychiatric and pediatric nursing background, whose multifaceted, miracle-life story leads women into joy and vitality.
Rachel always says, "Get on the Winning Team NOW! Do not wait for another split second."
In 2017, Rachel joined the John Maxwell Team and received a Certification of Coach, Speaker, and Trainer, offering masterminds, lunch, and learns in relation to some of John Maxwell's books on personal and professional development.
Rachel has published two books and a few anthologies. It WAS NOT MY FAULT, a synopsis of her life story accompanied by powerful prayers. ASK RACHEL HOW SELF-IMAGE DETERMINES YOUR SUCCESS, inspired by the death of her sister who was hit and killed by a train ruled as suicide on September 30, 2021, found on by Rachel Lee White published in 2022.
Rachel plans to continue pursuing her dream to speak and write to help others, especially women and children so that they can live with joy and vitality despite the circumstances. Today, Rachel is a retired Nurse, who enjoys motivational speaking, writing, and intercessory praying.
Rachel can be reached at
Rachel Lee White is an advocate for survivors of Domestic Violence and Awareness of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention...
Rachel believes it is her responsibility to promote happiness and vibrancy by sharing the wisdom of God as well as joy and vitality.
Joy and vitality is life in a nutshell when you know who and whose you are! Your thought life is determined by your focus and attentiveness to what subjects or objects you intentionally...
Posted by RACHEL White on 09/17/2023
Self-Image will determine your success by answering "Who are you? How do you perceive yourself?"This will help locate where you are so that you can propel to where you need...
Posted by RACHEL White on 09/17/2023
Empowerment for your purpose on planet Earth is a divine gift. Everyone has an assignment. Receive the gift from heaven so that you can remove burdens and destroy yokes in the lives...
Posted by RACHEL White on 09/17/2023
Access to a blueprint stemming out a esteemed mastermind for communication skills....
Posted by RACHEL White on 03/04/2024
There are 4 uncomplicated ways to build CONFIDENCE in yourself shared in this book. Behavioral psychology and intentional actions is one key ingredient to follow the path to progression. ...
Posted by RACHEL White on 10/22/2022
You will experience the presence of God while receiving wisdom and revelation knowledge pertaining to your circumstance and situation. ...
Posted by RACHEL White on 03/04/2024
Article of a simple blueprint for emotional intelligence. ...
Posted by RACHEL White on 03/04/2024
This book discusses several ways to build your belief in yourself. Self-image is the determining factor in your success in every area of life. Life is a journey and a culture of progression, it is your decision. ...
Posted by RACHEL White on 09/28/2022
This a book written and published by Rachel, inspired by God. The title was also, inspired by God prior to her uprooting and leaving her homeland. ...
Posted by RACHEL White on 09/28/2022