What if scripture taught you how to be content, and you kicked wicked thinking to the curb, and your old disgruntled heart spilled over with new peace and joy.Linda saw CONTENTMENT...
Posted by Linda Keller on 12/11/2024
Want to equip your women for relational discipleship in one day? This intensive 3-session workshop teaches principles from Kim's groundbreaking book DiscipleSips: Leaving a Jesus...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/10/2024
Would you like to minister to others through writing? Come learn the basics for getting started and leave with a plan for beginning your life as a writer. In this topic you will: learn...
Are you experiencing heartache or difficulty in your life? Psalm 56:8 tells us that God collects our tears in a bottle and records every teardrop in His book. God cares about our pain,...
Posted by Melissa Main on 07/30/2024
Talk: How to be a Proverbs 31 woman: Does the Proverbs 31 woman sound intimidating? Does she ever rest? How can you even compare? Learning about the historical background of the Proverbs...
Posted by Melissa Main on 06/25/2024
Researching a novel is hard work. Creating an impactful story means digging deep to write authentically with proven facts, interviews, and walking where our characters trod.DiAnn Mills...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 03/07/2024
Explore the writing life: the good, the fun, the hilarious, and the sobering adventures of writing and publishing in today's world.DiAnn Mills - Writer/Speaker - diannmills.com...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 03/07/2024
It’s easy to feel insignificant when you don’t have a spotlight ministry role or flashy career. Discontentment sets in as you question your purpose. Lisa affirms your identity...
In this Creative Devotional Experience participants will use paint, paper and art supplies to create a visual testimony of how God can create something beautiful out of the broken...
Posted by April Gadoury on 09/25/2023
Using the acronym PARTY I will share how my time of prayer is more than me talking to God. It is a time of deep connection. We will look at a variety of ways participants can be more...
Posted by April Gadoury on 09/25/2023
In this session we will look at child-like faith. What does it look like? How do we lose it? and How can we get it back?April JoyUniquely Gifted Artist, Writer and CommunicatorAJoyFullLife.net/speaker-page...
Posted by April Gadoury on 09/25/2023
Gardening is a lot like our walk with the Lord.In this session we explore seasons in the garden and compare it to our seasons with God. We will look at what is our part and what is...