Discover the transformative power of SPIRIT RULE (led by the Holy Spirit). Through absolute surrender, experience breakthroughs, joy, and freedom. Spirit Rules equips believers to...
Experiencing the power of God's presence changes us. Treasures from Heaven and nuggets of wisdom unfold as I share experiences from my own life. I offer your audience practical...
We all have a plan for our lives, but rarely do we expect hardships, setbacks, and loss. How do you handle life when it feels like God has changed your plans?How do you turn setbacks...
Posted by Deb Hadley on 12/07/2024
No matter what, you matter now! And yet we face spiritual warfare whenever we try to walk in our identity in Christ. This retreat unveils lies that attack our worth and replaces them...
What does it take to feel like you matter in this world? The truth is no matter what, you matter now. Shed past rejections and move past disqualifications by spending time in God's...
Have you ever wanted to be transformed and make huge, bold changes in your life? You have the heart. You have the desire. You are ready to take action, but you aren't sure where...
God created each of us with a unique identity that Satan knows long before we do. He declares war on us. Fear and lies are his favorite tactics. Come discover who you are in Christ...
Posted by Sheila Qualls on 11/13/2024
Many of us have an inner critic who feeds our self-doubt and robs us of opportunities. Come learn how to transform your inner critic into a trusted ally. The inner critic...
Posted by Susan Howell on 11/09/2024
Tired of work feeling like an exhausting grind? Discover how to shift from burnout to fruitful purpose by partnering with a greater calling, transforming your work into lasting impact.=====This...
How stepping into your calling transforms lives, fulfills your potential, and honors God======In this transformative training, Katherine Norland takes you on a journey to discover...
Are you a woman of faith that feels enslaved to food? Constantly thinking about what to eat or what not to eat? Come discover a faith-based, holistic approach to not only finding physical...
Posted by Heather Lines-Degelman on 10/04/2024
Where is your mind taking you? Every journey begins with a single thought, and in "Thoughts on Track: Navigating Life with a God-Centered Mindset,” Georgina guides your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/23/2024