Unlock the transformative power of God's grace with this compelling session designed to breathe new life into your audience's faith journey. In a world where the enemy thrives...
In a world where cultural norms are ever-changing and often in direct opposition to God's truth, how do we stand firm and thrive? "Called to Be Different" is a powerful...
Every girl needs a daddy that loves, protects, guides, and makes her feel secure. Our Heavenly Father is the perfect Father who does all that and more! In this message, women will...
Posted by Robin R King on 12/30/2024
I didn't experience the love of a father growing up. But when I found out I had a Father in heaven who loved me more than any earthly father could, my life was forever changed...
Many have gone on a futile search for the ideal utopia or Shangri-La in some remote place on planet Earth, but there is no such place. There is no place where there is perfect peace...
Could your women’s group use a fun night out - that will both tickle their funny bone AND give them practical and biblical tools to face daily challenges with joy?=====CS Lewis...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/10/2024
Experiencing the power of God's presence changes us. Treasures from Heaven and nuggets of wisdom unfold as I share experiences from my own life. I offer your audience practical...
Soon after navigating the enormous challenges of a pandemic wedding in the spring of 2020, Lena found herself in a fight for the survival of her special needs stepson. Her husband’s...
Posted by Lena Bjorna on 12/05/2024
Are you ready to take God's Word from the pages of the Bible into the real world, where broken, hurting people need the hope of Jesus? In "Just Do It," Georgina will...
A Christmas story about "The Babe the Son of Mary." We will look at the birth of the Christ from the perspectives of Mary, the angels, and shepherds. This is a powerful reminder...
"The Fragrance of Heaven: Being a Sweet Smelling Aroma for God"In this enlightening talk, Joanna explores the biblical concept of being a "sweet smelling aroma"...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 10/16/2024
Unforgiveness is a poison that holds you back, while forgiveness is the key to unlocking your freedom and revitalizing your life. In "Letting Go of Unforgiveness," Georgina...