Self-defeating behaviors are best defined as negative on-going patterns of behaviors that undermine one’s capacity to live a purpose driven life; behaviors that have manifested...
This seminar is a must for the professional who has to be all to everyone. It is intended to help attendees understand that balancing work and family in today’s fast paced race is...
In order to live your life authentic best life, you must embrace who you are, knowing that despite your imperfections you are still an awesome creation of God. This powerful...
Life is full of improvising, creating something out of nothing, getting out there ready or not, and helping others take the lead. A humorous look at what God has taught me through...
"I AM Says, ""You Are..."" - Who are you? What defines you? Can a cross look ruin your day? Does a hurtful word send you into a tail spin? Do you try to fix...
Jesus lived in a male-dominated society under the influence of legalistic religious leaders whose teachings made life incredibly hard for most women. Refusing to condone and perpetuate...
There are countless advertisements all around us encouraging us to create a "stress-free environment." But Jesus gave us the answer for creating a "spa-like" surrounding...
Making It As An Artist takes a vivid look at bringing success to artists and those who think creatively. JoAnn offers valuable insight from her experience as an artist covering topics...
God’s Work of ArtProfessional artist JoAnn DePolo offers a refreshing perspective as she makes the comparison between fine art and ‘God’s Work of Art.’ JoAnn’s...