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Posted by: Dr. Brenetia Adams-Robinson on 12/21/2015

From Pity-Pot to Purpose: Releasing the Self-Defeating Mindset

Self-defeating behaviors are best defined as negative on-going patterns of behaviors that undermine one’s capacity to live a purpose driven life; behaviors that have manifested from a wounded past.  This program focuses on helping attendees understand what has them bound in a cycle of self-defeating thoughts and wounded behaviors that hinder forward movement. Participants will learn how develop a strong sense of self-value, focus on positive mental modelling, practice positive self-talk and positive communication, and how to posture for consistently engage the power of positive thinking.

Topics include:

- Recognizing how self-defeating behaviors or walking in woundedness looks.

- Identify circumstances in which self-defeating behaviors creep into one’s mental model.

- Identify emotional triggers and core of woundedness that ignite self-defeating thoughts.

- Understand strategies to transition negative concepts into positive thinking.

- Practice exercises and techniques to release defeatism and embrace optimism

Instruction can also be given in tension and stress reducing exercises, overcoming fear of public interactions, and how to mingle for effective networking. Set you mind to win – this program shows you how!

This program can be structured as a keynote presentation, seminar, or 1-day workshop.

To listen to Dr. Bre discuss The Walking Wounded: http://www.thedestinydiva.com/audio-visual

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