It has been more than 20 years since I was first exposed to pornography at the age of 10, but pornography has only become more mainstream, easier to find… and hide. In this...
Posted by Crystal Renaud Day on 08/30/2021
We tend to identify ourselves by 1 of 3 things: by a behavior, by an insecurity, or by something that has been done to us. This presentation will help women (and men) to throw down...
Posted by Crystal Renaud Day on 08/30/2021
If you're ready to experience exponential joy, delight and growth in your life, work and relationships, understanding how to tap into God's creative mind is paramount, because...
Forgiveness. One of the most misunderstood, mistaught and untaught - yet also one of THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT issues for our eternal salvation! There's MORE to this...
Posted by Pam Caylor on 06/01/2021
Emotional Healing. We have many wounded among us! They stumble along, trying to cover the pain, trying to just keep going, trying to fulfill God's plan for their lives,...
Deconstruction is synonymous with the discipleship process known as spiritual formation. Christians mature in faith through disciplines including prayer, personal study, and formal...
Posted by Stacey Wynn, MDIV, PCC on 05/03/2021
When it comes to reading the Bible, we’ve all felt overwhelmed by where to start, what to read, and how to make the most of our time. In Bible Boot Camp, Donna Amidon shares...
A message about what God promises to do in the midst of our suffering straight from 1 Peter 5:10-11. This message is encouraging for a grief group, a lenten service, or a ministry...
Comfort, protection, peace, rest, love. God can carry you through all the difficult trials of life. Rest in his arms and allow him to help you sing in the rain and splash in the puddles....
Posted by Debbie Roth on 01/18/2021
What does your online presence say about your ministry? When an event planner or potential agent looks you up online what will they find? Social media is a powerful...
Posted by Mary R Snyder on 12/08/2020
Virtual events are here to stay and understanding how to best communicate in a virtual setting is key to getting booked. Compelling virtual communicators are in great demand....
Posted by Mary R Snyder on 12/08/2020
Jesus said, "My sheep know My voice and they follow Me." What does that look like in the life of a believer? In Still Small Voice: Inviting God's Voice to Guide...
Posted by Donna Amidon on 09/23/2020