Linette Rainville, Women's Ministry Mentor and founder of Daughters United, is here to help you expand your reach, train your team and help you build a vibrant virtual presence. With...
In our human experience, the ultimate freedom is discovered when our thoughts, emotions, and actions are awakened to our true identity through Christ and we’re living aligned...
Posted by Jenn Kautsch on 06/11/2024
Often, when we hear the word “sober” we think of abstinence from alcohol and other addictive substances. Jenn expands your thinking to more of a mindset. Her definition...
Posted by Jenn Kautsch on 06/11/2024
This interactive presentation will provide actionable items to overcome fear and speak with a confidence that will shine the light of Jesus. Attendees will be asked to introduce...
Posted by Nicole Carter on 01/13/2024
Imagine learning how to identify and handle the barriers that have kept you in a place of unforgiveness, hurt, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, etc. This...
Ignite your faith as Israel comes alive to you anew. Explore the Holy Land's scenes and stories through this virtual journey. Your tour guide, Jennifer Sands, is an author, speaker...
Posted by Jennifer Sands on 08/25/2023
I want to help women surrender their joy stealers and rediscover the joy Jesus already gave them.As a leader in women’s ministry, I have counseled countless women who have forgotten...
In this SOUL FREEING talk, Linette shares how God has actually given us the POWER of the HOLY NO! When we activate this concept, it will help us to cut out distractions, eliminate...
In this FUN & REAL talk, I unpack my “SECRET PLANS” method to actually get stuff done, avoid those time robbers that create “sink holes” in our...
The Courage to move forward is a virtual workshop that is designed to help women move forward in life. Many women hold on to things that happened in the pass when God wants us...
Posted by Tonnia Cotton on 11/23/2021
A message from Isaiah 43:16-18 about the new things God wants to do and how His past provision helps us trust Him for the future. Available for virtual or in-person events!...
How are you preparing to re-enter into a new normal after a long period of quarantine and separation? Peg takes a unique look at each piece of the Armor of God and how it impacts...
Posted by Peg Arnold on 04/12/2021