THE HEART OF CHRISTMAS: What Jesus Wants for ChristmasGod chose the perfect gift for each of us and He didn’t need help from Nordstrom or Sears catalog. The Christmas season...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
THE FRIENDSHIP CONNECTION – Women encouraging women is how God shows His love to us and to the world. Steps on how to build gospel-community starting today. Do you have a "friend-antenna"...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
CONTENTMENT IN A WORLD OF MORE –God wants us to be content to prove His goodness and power. How do we cultivate a heart of contentment that brings Him glory and delight? Contentment...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
While the world tells special needs parents, and their children, that disability/struggling areas should be used to excuse poor behavior, the bible holds Christians to a different...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 06/26/2017
Doubt is the number one enemy that holds most women back from being all God has created them to be. So, overcoming doubt is the key to Christian living. Peggy Ployhar, the CEO of SPED...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 06/26/2017
In this lesson based on Deuteronomy 10-11, Jennifer shares a pointed message on making decisions that result in either blessings or adverse consequences. The most vital choice...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 06/25/2017
Join in on this amazing seminar of how our Lord can take what is broken and restore to newness of life through the power of Jesus. Study several biblical characters and see the regeneration...
Posted by Eileen Banks on 06/01/2017
Have you ever wished you had more influence? Do you long to make an impact for Christ? Is there a hidden gem of nobility deep down inside that longs to spring forth? "The Powerful...
Every woman has been somewhere. Down some road, some path, that no other has been down in quite the same way as any other woman has been. In this message, Beth taps into those personal...
Fathers {and mothers} , don’t over-correct your children or make it difficult for them to obey the commandments. Bring them up with Christian teaching in Christian discipline....
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! - Luke 1:45Advent is a season of waiting. Laura’s message, A Beautiful ADVENTure – Saying...
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” – Ephesians 5:8When most of us were growing up, society was...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 04/29/2017