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Posted by: Laura Acuña on 04/29/2017

Walk In It: Shining The Light Along The Way

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” – Ephesians 5:8

When most of us were growing up, society was generally favorable toward people of faith. Our beliefs and deep convictions did not draw controversy in the public square they do today. As a result of this culture shift, we can feel overwhelmed and disoriented as we try to walk the walk of faith in a culture that is increasing hostile to followers of Jesus. We may be tempted to hide away with other Christians or lay low and avoid the conversation, but Jesus has commissioned us to be His light in the world. In this message women will:

  • Receive a wake-up call to rise up and understand they have been placed here at this time and in this culture to bring His love and light to a hurting world
  • Catch a glimpse of what could happen if every woman was fully awake in her divine placement in history.
  • Discover that her natural nurturing and protective nature as a woman makes her uniquely designed to bring the Gospel to those far from God with grace and truth
  • Realize she belongs to a legacy of obedient believers who have gone before her who have not only survived, but helped restore their culture back to God
  • End the day full of hope and confidence that she was born for ‘such a time as this.’

** This message is two sessions long. 

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