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Posted by: Deb Potts on 05/16/2017

The Powerful Influence of Noble Women

Have you ever wished you had more influence? Do you long to make an impact for Christ? Is there a hidden gem of nobility deep down inside that longs to spring forth? "The Powerful Influence of Noble Women" is a new look at the old story of Ruth in Scripture. 

Ruth was a Noble Woman, and her powerful influence not only changed her mother-in-law, but history itself. Examine this familiar book by diving deep into the mother-in-law/ daughter-in-law relationship between Naomi and Ruth. Hurt people hurt people, but healthy people help people. 

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Deb shares personal stories of her relationship with her mother-in-law and how God transformed both of them from prickly to pleasing. Your audiences will leave refreshed and inspired to become noble influencers in their relationships.

This is a one-hour devotional, suitable for a spring women's event, mother-daughter tea, or other women's ministry event. 

Visit my You Tube Channel for a preview of this talk.

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