Laughter lightens the load, feels good to the soul and opens our hearts to do what? Love Our Lord! Life is tough and sometimes we need a "mental break" to get...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/03/2020
A pencil in the hands of a renaissance master like da Vinci can produce what most of us cannot. Imagine what Our Master God can create with you if you place yourself in His loving...
Posted by Saundra Woods on 09/15/2019
Philippians 2:4 instructs, “Look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others,” but how do we practically do that when these interests seem to be...
When an ordinary family decides to surrender every area of their lives to the Lord, they discover a “joy that surpasses all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7) Felice...
Posted by Felice Gerwitz on 05/01/2019
Cancer and other terminal illnesses claim the lives of many people around us. It is even harder when it strikes the love of your life. It would be easy to hide away with our memories,...
MK is famous on the internet for writing about her "feral children". The term was met with mixed reviews, and while tongue in cheek, was intended to be a loving moniker. But...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
Have you made mistakes? Do you have regrets? Kelly discusses the importance of forgiveness—even forgiving ourselves, sharing proven ways to overcome unforgiveness.----------Unforgiveness...
Scripture reference: 1 John2:28-3:24How can we, who have experienced the miracle ofnew birth in Christ, deal with our own sinfulness as we try to live in the full assurance of our...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 01/22/2019
Jesus wants you and me to be in a loving and secure relationship with Him. He desires for each one of us to know how much He loves us! Our Savior will teach us how to do this...
With a dynamic, storytelling style, Tina highlights our spiritual need for Christ as our Shepherd in life. Though we struggle with our dependence, we may find freedom and security...
As Christians we are called to love one another. In a world where putting self first is prioritized, how do we focus on loving one another? Bobbie looks at Biblical practical...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018