Life doesn't have to be perfect, but you can transform your life find perfect joy in faith. In this talk, you will:Jump into the journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation...
You are not alone in the battle! Every modern-day saint, plus every single Bible hero, from Noah to Jesus, needs faith to walk out God’s call on our lives. Join us to explore...
As a daughter of the King, you have the power within you to silence the voice of self doubt. The voice telling you there’s no way you can overcome the obstacles in front of you. From...
As Daughter's of the King, we are called "Beloved", but at times the distractions of this world can make us question who we are and where are worth lies.Based on the...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 05/25/2023
Only 3% of Americans say they "feel close to God." It's one thing to know about God's love for you. It's a whole new world when we feel loved by God. Based...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 05/17/2023
Are you walking in the goodness of this truth: You are completely known, yet perfectly loved? Does it comfort your heart that the One who knows you the best, absolutely loves you the...
Posted by Wendy Hunt on 04/15/2023
Rest...easy to say, sometimes hard to do! We have so many things clamoring for our attention. But there is an abundance of fruit that comes only from being in the place of rest at...
Let's pray with our children! That's the best way to teach them. Hands on fun and responding to questions children ask are great ways to engage in prayer. Karen shares some...
Posted by Karen Whiting on 12/01/2022
I know the pain of a broken heart and have experienced abuse and a failed marriage. I have heard the devastation news of a life-threatening illness of someone I loved. Overcome by...
Posted by Gloria Davies on 09/29/2022
Gloria Davies is a counselor and speaker who challenges women to believe that they are "beloved!"As a young girl growing up in poverty, I felt anything but "beloved"...
Posted by Gloria Davies on 09/29/2022
You are amazingly special! Someone to be cherished! This program will show you who you are to God. Learn who you are and what defines your identity. You may be surprised.There...
Posted by Joyce Stone on 08/22/2022
Grow! (Essentials for Pursuing God)Do you long to grow closer to God? This is His desire for you, too. Sadly, many Christians live in the valleys of life, struggling with habits and...