Entering His Rest: The Fruit That Comes From Being With Jesus
Rest...easy to say, sometimes hard to do! We have so many things clamoring for our attention. But there is an abundance of fruit that comes only from being in the place of rest at the feet of Jesus. Mary knew this secret. Are you missing out?
From Wendy:
God wants to do far more in and through you than you could ever imagine. But first you must draw near and linger in the sweetness of His presence...the refining, life-giving, healing presence of the Lover of your soul. His grace is what ushers us in. He is calling you to come and He has opened the doors wide before you!
And you will find there:
The conforming of your will and desires to His - Romans 12:2
Wisdom, guidance and direction - Romans 12:1-2
That you are freely receiving in order to freely give - Matthew 10:8
You have an adjusted perspective - Colossians 3:2
You will be changed to be like Him - I John 3:2
You have peace in the storm - Philippians 4:7
The growth of abundant fruit of the Spirit within you - Psalm 16:11
That you are becoming the fragrance of Christ to a lost world - II Corinthians 2:15
That you are completely known, but perfectly loved - Psalm 139