Every woman desires and needs the friendships of women but developing good friendships can be difficult! Using Biblical examples, Robin helps women discover how to sow the seeds of...
Posted by Robin R King on 01/31/2019
With humor, personal encouragement, and storytelling style, Tina guides audiences with practical tips to build rewarding relationships and maintain healthy boundaries. Her concepts...
Let's be honest--we have to take good care of ourselves! So many women fail to set healthy boundaries, guard their hearts, renew their minds and take care of their emotional/mental/physical...
Almost everyone at one time or other struggles with forgiving someone. What do we do about the people in our life that we feel do not deserve to be forgiven? Inspirational speaker...
Posted by Chris Manion on 04/21/2017
Trained by Henry Cloud and John Townsend, I have regularly presented this topic to both professional and church groups empowering women to live out their priorities and begin or continue...
Posted by Michelle Nietert on 04/11/2017
Becoming Women of Balance, Boundaries and Boldness. One of the top struggles women have within their lives is maintaining balance within their lives. If we do not have order within...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 11/16/2016
As Christian women, we tend to do more for others while neglecting self-care.After all, it is better to give than to receive, right? Linda explodes a few myths and shares practical...
Do you ever feel like you’ve been in the same spiritual place far too long? Are you living a life that eternally impacts those around you? Do you have a deep desire for your life...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 01/07/2016
Self-defeating behaviors are best defined as negative on-going patterns of behaviors that undermine one’s capacity to live a purpose driven life; behaviors that have manifested...
This seminar is a must for the professional who has to be all to everyone. It is intended to help attendees understand that balancing work and family in today’s fast paced race is...
Imagine life with unlimited possibility, where fear, misconceptions, and insecurities don't have the power to rob you of your potential or your dreams. Many women have trouble...
Posted by Saundra Dalton-Smith on 11/08/2015
Boundaries –Are your boundaries loose, letting too much in? Are they rigid, keeping too much out? What are healthy boundaries? Learn how to establish healthy boundaries in your...
Posted by Tonya Wells on 11/02/2015