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Posted by: Cheri Strange on 01/07/2016


Do you ever feel like you’ve been in the same spiritual place far too long? Are you living a life that eternally impacts those around you? Do you have a deep desire for your life to be more than ordinary? God designed us with this yearning. But how can we live a life that makes an eternally significant impact, when it’s just us? Cheri leads participants through ten prayers and practices that can transform a life once comfortable with mediocrity into something so far beyond ordinary only God can divinely orchestrate. She illuminates what keeps us bound to mediocrity and sheds light on how to be free. When these ten prayers and practices are applied to daily living, our lives will take on purpose and lasting significance that radically impact us personally as well as those around us. Cheri shares how to let loose our comfort and satisfaction with ordinary Christian living to embrace a life that moves beyond ordinary– fruit-filled, purposeful, and free.

This event is best utilized as a retreat with 3-4 sessions.

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