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Posted by: Chris Manion on 04/21/2017

Just Because I Can't Forgive Someone Doesn't Make Me a Bad Person, Does it?

Almost everyone at one time or other struggles with forgiving someone. What do we do about the people in our life that we feel do not deserve to be forgiven? Inspirational speaker Chris Manion addresses forgiveness in a riveting presentation that goes to the heart of Jesus' message without heavy, emotional stories that can leave you wilted and washed out.

In this talk, Chris reviews several examples of forgiveness she has worked through and overcome by God's grace. She looks at four tools that help us--scripture, journaling, spiritual counsel, and prayer-- as she weaves her stories in an authentic, humble voice. Learn how long it took her to overcome her anger and desire for revenge. Feel the quilt of peace God pieces together with His boundless mercy as she shares compelling stories that open new paths to forgiveness.

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