While the world tells special needs parents, and their children, that disability/struggling areas should be used to excuse poor behavior, the bible holds Christians to a different...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 06/26/2017
Doubt is the number one enemy that holds most women back from being all God has created them to be. So, overcoming doubt is the key to Christian living. Peggy Ployhar, the CEO of SPED...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 06/26/2017
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,- James 1:19Listening is vital for every relationship, whether...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 06/03/2017
Have you ever felt like a broken doll, beyond repair, thinking no one would ever want anything to do with you? Watchman Nee once wrote, “…there is just one basic...
Posted by Marlene Salcher on 05/19/2017
Do you feel mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually weak? Then you are a good candidate for God to train about war. Everyone wants to be a winner, an overcomer,...
Posted by Marlene Salcher on 05/19/2017
What does it mean to go deeper with God? Are you willing to take greater risks? If so, what steps do you need to take to leave the shore of safety and sail off to greater...
What does it mean to go from God’s favor to the fire? Is there a purpose in both? We all want God’s favor and we love it when He bestows it. But sometimes...
Posted by Marlene Salcher on 05/19/2017
Have you ever wished you had more influence? Do you long to make an impact for Christ? Is there a hidden gem of nobility deep down inside that longs to spring forth? "The Powerful...
When it comes to our judicial system, we can all agree on one thing. We all want prisoners to come out better than when they went in. However, rehabilitating offenders requires educational...
Posted by Jodie Randisi on 05/08/2017
What happens when you get discouraged? Who wipes away your tears? Who understands your emotions good or bad?Beginning with the story of Eve, and ending with the promises of Revelation...
Posted by Linda Penick on 05/02/2017
Fathers {and mothers} , don’t over-correct your children or make it difficult for them to obey the commandments. Bring them up with Christian teaching in Christian discipline....
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! - Luke 1:45Advent is a season of waiting. Laura’s message, A Beautiful ADVENTure – Saying...