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Posted by: Cherrilynn Bisbano on 06/03/2017

Listen To Serve

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,- James 1:19

Listening is vital for every relationship, whether family, church, work or friends.

After my boss fired me for almost losing $30,000, and my friend scolded me because I did not listen, I knew I had to change.

I began my journey to be an Active Listener.

I took communication classes, read internet articles,  and practiced my skills on friends.

Now I am compelled to share my findings with you.

The facts:

A recent study commissioned by Siemens and SIS International Research revealed that 17.5 hours are lost each week to address communication concerns in the workplace.  Lack of listening tops that list.

Be a better servant at work, church, and home.

You will leave with the tools to:

 +Recognize non-verbal body language    

 +Identify and avoid distractions

 +Obtain complete message

 +Apply the Do's and Don'ts of Active Listening

 +Earn respect from your family and coworkers

Here's what others are saying:

I didn't realize I was such a terrible listener- Mike

I am grateful to Cherrilynn for teaching this.  My marriage is better, and my job performance has skyrocketed-Gail

This workshop can be 1-3 hours. I will work with your available time.

This workshop can be geared toward Corporate or Church.

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