In a world that puts so much focus on caring for our physical selves, how do we care for our Soul? How do we focus on keeping our whole self, the physical, mental, emotional,...
Do you have a specific topic or biblical passage you want featured? I will taylor a talk or retreat to fit your group's specific needs with wisdom and humor!...
Posted by Sharon Lawlor on 07/19/2017
Parenting is a life long lesson in letting go and that can feel like losing a limb. In this entertaining message Lynn equips moms to be brave in every single season of mothering. From...
Posted by Lynn Marie Cherry on 04/20/2017
Do you dread the moments in between? The moments in life when it's quiet and you feel all alone. The moments between church days or after a long day when things are quiet...
We are women who hunger and thirst and most of the time we are running on empty. In John 4 we meet the Samaritan woman who didn't even know she was thirsty. We...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 09/08/2016
What if you could finish the day feeling energized by your activities, rather than worn out by busyness? In this presentation, Cindi offers inspiration to revive and restore...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 08/16/2016
Every woman needs hope, especially at the holidays. With honesty, vulnerability, and humor, Cindi shares from her personal life (and through bibilical examples) how we can maintain...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 08/16/2016
Do you dread the holidays, rather than anticipate them, because of all there is to do? In this upbeat presentation, Cindi speaks to the heart of every woman who finds herself busy...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 08/16/2016
John 10:10b tells us that Jesus said: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. What is the full life? Does it have anything to do with our calendars? God’s...
Posted by Carolynn Scully on 04/10/2016
This was a series of four talks that I gave in March of 2016 for Grace Community Church in Tucson Arizona. Friday evening: God is a all you can eat buffet. -light hearted introduction,...
Posted by Kim Chaffin on 04/06/2016
In these sessions, Beth shares her personal testimony of how God changed and rearranged her life. In dramatic fashion she tells us and shows us how through Him she triumphed over broken...
Posted by Beth Owens on 11/13/2015
Pain is a universal denominator. It crosses gender, race, socio-economic status, and education. Pain does not judge, nor does it discriminate. Pain is real and it can be debilitating....
Posted by Saundra Dalton-Smith on 10/29/2015