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Posted by: Kim Chaffin on 04/06/2016

A Diet of Hope, women's retreat in Arizona.

This was a series of four talks that I gave in March of 2016 for Grace Community Church in Tucson Arizona.  

Friday evening: God is a all you can eat buffet. -light hearted introduction, setting the table for the talks to come, and how we can approach God each day with an empty plate and take our fill of all he has to offer us.  Video from the Friday night talk

Saturday morning: How do we spiritually nourish ourselves? -The importance of study, prayer, listening, worship and fellowship

Saturday evening:  You are worthy to approach the table.  -A look at the women in the genealogy of Jesus.  Seeing past our mistakes and understanding that we are worthy to call ourselves heirs in Christ. 

Sunday morning: How do we make room on our already full plates for study, prayer, listening, worship, and fellowship.  This was also an interactive talk with the ladies so that they could share things they have found to work.  

I had this comment left on my Facebook page: 

What a treat it was to have you join the women of Grace for our annual retreat this weekend in Arizona. You touched our hearts! -Cindy Baker.

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