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Posted by: Beth Owens on 11/13/2015


In these sessions, Beth shares her personal testimony of how God changed and rearranged her life. In dramatic fashion she tells us and shows us how through Him she triumphed over broken relationships, self inflicted abuse, rejection, and agreements with lies that she was worthless, never good enough and that she couldn't do anything right. Beth is animated, transparent and down to earth, and she uses demonstration, self written poetry and humor to give hope to her listeners. 

     Session One: From Suitcases to Shoes - Tired of lugging around that old suitcase? You know the one. The one filled with painful memories, a sorted past, mistakes, regrets and guilt? Beth paints a very personal story about the effects her absent father played in her life and the lies that Satan told her about who she was. Beth shares about the deliverance from filling her “suitcase” with all the wrong things, to the restoration in wearing the shoes fit only for the daughter of a King.

     Session Two: More Than Enough - Using John 16:33 as the backdrop for this message, Beth explores why bad things happen to good people. John tells us, "In this world you WILL have trouble." She shows us that whatever we have faced - abuse, addiction, loss, rejection, miscarriage, divorce, brokenness, financial distress - are troubles that are doorways to the dark, broken and ugly in ourselves. She shows us how those troubles set up camp in the much and the mire of misery and we allow it to swallow us whole. And, just about the time we ask ourselves, "Is this it. Is this all there is?" Beth points us to the other side of the verse, the other side of the story where God says, "Take heart, I have overcome the world (where we WILL have those troubles). She challenges us to choose which side of the verse we are on and to RISE UP from the broken and the ugly and the dark that is keeping us a prisoner from the things God has planned for us. 

     Session Three: It's Not About the Buckets - We all have buckets we carry. Much like the Samaritan woman who brought hers to the well in secret, in hopes of filling it with consumable water, we carry our buckets to anyone and anything except for God. When we come up empty time and time again, we often exchange our tin bucket for a wooden one or our smaller bucket for a bigger one, hoping that the new bucket will be the one that will bring the much sought after joy, fulfillment, comfort and contentment. Through this message we will see that It's Not About the Buckets at all. Instead, it's about meeting God - the Real Well - in ordinary places and leaving our bucket behind with Him.

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