Women struggle every day to find work/life balance. We often find ourselves just trying to survive one day to the next while trying to accomplish five times as much as our mothers...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 06/28/2023
About 5 years ago, approximately 2 out of every 5 church leaders including pastors admit struggles with mental health disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder and about 1...
Posted by juanita price on 04/29/2023
Do you feel overwhelmed? Maybe it feels like challenges are coming from all different sides. Let Tiffany speak into your hard season with this teaching from James 1:2-4. You will walk...
What are the Gifts God gives us that allow us to thrive in a relationship with Him and one another?LoveGraceFaith Hope In your busyness, do you ever run right by the gifts...
Posted by Mary K Dunn on 10/25/2022
THRIVE—No Matter What! (Joseph—Life’s Pits and God’s Purposes)Have you ever asked, “God, where are You? What are You doing? How can I cope?” Like...
We serve and unstoppable God. Discover how to find that mustard seed of faith needed to overcome your obstacles through faith.=====Everyone faces obstacles in their life. We...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 01/23/2022
All Christians have strongholds. Are you nurturing your latent strongholds or your invasive strongholds? At the end of this session, you will be able to boldly answer:- What is a stronghold...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 01/19/2022
Through faith as we persevere under trials, God transforms our struggles and pain into something beautiful. He is making us into His "pearls of great price."...
Dragonfly women fly because they are fruitful, linked, and yielded. F: Fruitful bridges to other generations build relationships that bring unity to the body of Christ. We recognize...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 05/25/2021
As young girls we all dreamed of being a PRINCESS or better yet, a QUEEN! Even today we watch Hallmark movies and read romance novels, wishing we could have the happy ever after. In...
Posted by Sharon Wilharm on 12/01/2020
This multi-session retreat, can also be presented as single sessions for conferences.Session 1: Soul Care to ThriveRelease the “get-it-all-together” lie and trust God to...