Self-Help Strategies for Depression and Anxiety (Conference | Retreat|Workshops
About 5 years ago, approximately 2 out of every 5 church leaders including pastors admit struggles with mental health disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder and about 1 of of every 4 suffered with some form of anxiety disorder. This does not include the number of congregants who struggle in these areas. With such staggering numbers affecting church communities including suicide and suicidal ideations, we would be remiss to ignore the need for not only education, but also a grounded, biblical response packed with the power and grounding necessary to equip individuals to take their lives back from the debilitating effects of mood and other mental health disorders (i.e. anxiety, depression and others).
The Lord has blessed me with much success in these areas. My talks on Defeating Depression and Anxiety have helped many understand how to thrive and in many cases, even heal from paralyzing effects of these things. Whether as a conference, workshops or small group wellness chat, I highly recommend these to individuals battling these things or those who want to learn how to support those who do. Just a few of the topics include:
Therapeutic Approaches to Depression and Anxiety
How to Intercept Tormenting Thoughts
Understanding and Preparing for Triggers
Identifying Some Root Causes of Anxiety or Depression
Retraining the Brain
How To Start A Small Support Group for Sufferers of Mental Health Disorders
Leadership Training - Equipping Believers to Counsel