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Posted by: CJ Rapp on 07/02/2020

Expedition Life

Life is an adventure! 

Our journey with the Lord is full of just in times, unexpected blessings, miraculous moments, trials by fire, and tests of character. Thru the highs and lows, it is his presence, purpose, peace, and power that sustains and encourages us. Because He is God of our hills, valleys, deserts, and mountains we can be sure no matter what comes our way in life we can hope, endure, persevere and thrive!

No matter where you are in your journey, the sessions in this retreat will help you draw closer to the Lord and each other.

Session One: Mountain Top Moments
Session Two: The Other Side of the Valley
Session Three: Wondering in the Wilderness
Session Four: Exhibition Life – Tools to Summit

This is your invitation to come away, and spend time with the Sovereign on the mountain. Come expecting!  Be ready to, with others on the same journey, experience the beauty of likeminded, authentic community.

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