Peppi’s hilarious, 100% clean, multi-media comedy, followed by her brief Christmas message, isn't just a show. It's an experience! The Rejected Gift is Peppi's...
Fire in My Bones is a topic close to Lauren´s heart. Study some stories of God´s different uses of fire in His Word and find out how to orient your life around Him instead...
As busy women, sometimes we do not press the pause button and just sit and meditate with The Lord. Making Christ a priority and not Pinterest, peers or our culture. Taking care of...
Posted by Angela Chambers on 10/23/2023
For the goal-getters, ministry leaders, entrepreneurs and ladies who like to do "all the things," here's a session on how to prioritize, focus and find fulfillment in...
Posted by Tiffany Jo Baker on 09/14/2023
The most important choice we can ever make in life is to place our faith in Jesus Christ. But the most important choice we make every day is whether or not to read His Word, the Bible.Intimate...
Posted by Ferree Hardy on 08/17/2023
Let's get your women's group out for a fun night of laughing together! Dorie Mclemore is a Christian comedian and licensed minister who can deliver a 60-minute...
Posted by Dorie McLemore on 08/07/2023
I want to help women surrender their joy stealers and rediscover the joy Jesus already gave them.As a leader in women’s ministry, I have counseled countless women who have forgotten...
Peg's humorous yet poignant Church Ladies drama, highlights our unique God-given gifts. By focusing on the strengths of our individual stories and personalities, you'll...
Posted by Peg Arnold on 06/10/2023
This is a lighthearted, funny approach to some serious issues that we all may be dealing with or be have family members dealing in the midst of the battle. How did we do it? How do...
Jesus said, Come and follow Me etc. Ladies, despite the inaccurate interpretation, the Call of God was to males and females. For instance, in John 6: 44, 65, where the...
Wisdom for Today's Woman (Life Principles from Esther)Today many woman feel overwhelmed by the issues they face—How should they make decisions they won’t regret, deal...
Lord, Flip My House (Inner Transformation)Do you love watching decorating shows on T.V.? Do you marvel at the changes that can happen in the right hands? Have you ever thought...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022