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Posted by: Ferree Hardy on 08/17/2023

The Most Important Choice

The most important choice we can ever make in life is to place our faith in Jesus Christ. But the most important choice we make every day is whether or not to read His Word, the Bible.

Intimate glimpses of my life and how the practice of daily Bible reading intersected it at crucial points, tailored to your group:

  • getting engaged to be married during a blizzard
  • seeing my neighborhood surrounded by an arsonists fires
  • finding comfort for the "little old widow ladies" in my church, and then needing it myself that very night
  • finding the answer to the angry and abandoned feelings of widowhood exhaustion
  • finding characteristics of "Boaz," and recognizing them when I met my own "Boaz"
  • seeing a righteous man fall in a motorcycle accident

Evangelistic invitation for the most important choice of placing our faith in Christ alone.

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