My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,- James 1:19Listening is vital for every relationship, whether...
Joanna’s recent talk on "Hearing the Call: Distinguishing God's Voice" was an enlightening experience that beautifully blended science and Scripture. Using the...
Thriving in Every Season is about flourishing and not striving. When God created you, He had a specific purpose in mind. You are fundamental to God's Kingdom plan!...
Cherrilynn breaks this teaching down into two parts, Listening to God & Listening to others.Listening to God God's number one Commandment begins with "Hear Oh Israel" the...
Drowning out the "Noise" of life and focusing on Jesus. Having One on One time with Him only; shutting out every distraction so we can clearly hear what He has to say to us. Just as...