Session One: Intimacy with God, Scripture Focus: Psalm 27:4 The starting point of embracing intimacy with God is understanding the significance of Jesus'...
Imagine learning how to identify and handle the barriers that have kept you in a place of unforgiveness, hurt, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, etc. This...
All my life I have sought to do God's will, hoping I would escape further suffering and grief. After surviving childhood trauma, serious medical conditions and too many tragic...
Posted by Carol Fawcett-Smith on 11/07/2023
Do you ever feel like you are in a battle for your family, your faith, or the full life that Jesus paid the price for on the cross? In this breakthrough session, we will break down...
Posted by Tiffany Jo Baker on 09/14/2023
John 15Psalm 1Have you ever notice the influence a person or place or thing can have on your life and in your life.As priest and priestess of the most high ...
Posted by Mamie Jones on 07/28/2023
Everyone will go through trials in their life but it is how you go through them that makes the difference in how long you stay. God loves us so much, He ensured eternity with...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
An unlikely candidate for leadership, Moses began in more humble beginnings than most of us. He was born into incredibly bad circumstances with a good chance of death before he learned...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 05/21/2023
Rebuilding our lives after a tragedy or deep loss can be like rebuilding a house, room by room. After the death of her daughter, Laura extends a hand of hope by giving tools to those...
Posted by Laura Diehl on 04/19/2023
In this message, based on Proverbs 25:11, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver," Gail reminds us that we have the power of both life and death...
We have a conscious, sub-conscious and un-conscious state of being. After experiencing death first hand, I believe there is a fourth level of consciousness, which I call the...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 12/15/2022
Do you know someone who has struggled with or is struggling with the question of our purpose in this world? What does God have to do with establishing meaning for human life? In this...
Posted by Mary Jo Sharp on 10/26/2022