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Posted by: Carol Fawcett-Smith on 11/07/2023

God Has A Plan for the Weary

All my life I have sought to do God's will, hoping I would escape further suffering and grief. After surviving childhood trauma, serious medical conditions and too many tragic family deaths, one thing I know for sure is that with God all things are possible. Truly experiencing God's presence strengthens us for the journey. Whatever our view of God is will make a significant difference for how we relate to others and respond to suffering.

I have learned that even my good ways have not always been His ways. God wants to bless us with His grace that we may make the best choices. There is rest for the weary, peace in the chaos with joy in each day as we trust in God. The Bible promises and teachings reveal how to live beyond this temporary world as we remain centered in Christ our Savior. 

Let us come together for spiritual fellowship, encouragement and deeper understanding that we may know God's perfect loving will and follow his plan for eternity in Jesus. 

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