What do you think of when you hear the words single mom? Be honest do you think of a woman on public assistance, in need of a hand out? Many people do well I want to educate you Single...
Recapturing our children’s imagination in a video age. Are we losing that spark of creativity in this generation? What's bad about that? How can you combat the trend when...
Teachers were called to do what they do. They inspire, encourage, and teach our leaders of tomorrow. This talk is designed to speak to the heart of the school teacher from elementary...
Pain is a universal denominator. It crosses gender, race, socio-economic status, and education. Pain does not judge, nor does it discriminate. Pain is real and it can be debilitating....
Stephanie Olson is the CEO of The Set Me Free Project, an organization that provides prevention education to youth and families on sex trafficking, social media, and healthy relationships....