Are you OK? Experience a new perspective of God’s Sovereignty, life orchestration and healing power as you discover hope, inspiration and encouragement, along with clear...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Evelyn’s life of heartbreak and hopelessness drove her directly into the arms of God. There she learned how to be His “Somebody,” and she comes to share those insights...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Discover exactly how to address power struggles by establishing better relationships through clear communication and conflict resolution. Having first lived through extreme family...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Gearing up for a great marriage is exciting and must involve proper marriage planning. Marriage planning (versus wedding planning) should be the priority. I offer my P.L.A.N. strategy...
Posted by Janice Burton on 08/30/2022
You are amazingly special! Someone to be cherished! This program will show you who you are to God. Learn who you are and what defines your identity. You may be surprised.There...
Posted by Joyce Stone on 08/22/2022
What if you fix your eyes upon Jesus? Never taking your eyes off Jesus? How will that change your life?Learn how to do life with Jesus and let Him carry your burdens for you....
Posted by Joyce Stone on 08/22/2022
People say God is their co-pilot, when in fact he is the pilot. Instead, God is my wingman, who gently prompts me in every aspect of life. As wingman, God can lead and support,...
Reaching Higher! (Abraham—Tools God Uses to Grow Our Faith)Do you wish you had a stronger, more vibrant faith? By tracing the ups and downs of Abraham's relationship with...
THRIVE—No Matter What! (Joseph—Life’s Pits and God’s Purposes)Have you ever asked, “God, where are You? What are You doing? How can I cope?” Like...
"What do you and your spouse have in common?""We got married on the same day."Many women can identify with that sentiment. They want their marriages to be happy...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
A Faith to MountainsAs we dive into Mathew 17:1-20 we see Jesus taking his discipe's to the top of the mountain with him and there we learn of the glory of His person, His...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 08/12/2022
With a million things on your To-do List and more being added every moment it can happen. You can easily end up with pink socks. Rayna offers a unique perspective on how living...
Posted by Rayna Neises on 08/02/2022