You become what you think, which sets the course of your life. Learn how replacing even just one wrong thought with Biblical truth can change your entire life and bring you into...
Often, when we hear the word “sober” we think of abstinence from alcohol and other addictive substances. Jenn expands your thinking to more of a mindset. Her definition...
Life doesn't have to be perfect, but you can transform your life find perfect joy in faith. In this talk, you will:Jump into the journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation...
People say God is their co-pilot, when in fact he is the pilot. Instead, God is my wingman, who gently prompts me in every aspect of life. As wingman, God can lead and support,...
When Sandee Lester met her husband, Rick, in Korea, he was flying F-4's with the Air Force while she toured the Far East performing with an all-female show band. He was dressed...