Did you know Goliath had four brothers? I think that's why David picked up 5 stones when he only needed one. He thought he might have to fight the four brothers that day. It...
Posted by Karen Porter on 12/27/2021
Beyond your wildest desires, Jesus is MORE. He is the One who is able to move in ways that we cannot even fathom. Why are we not living IN the immeasurably more of His love? Many who...
The Courage to move forward is a virtual workshop that is designed to help women move forward in life. Many women hold on to things that happened in the pass when God wants us...
Posted by Tonnia Cotton on 11/23/2021
From Jonah and Joseph to us in this very day, God has called his people to Arise, and Go! I personally find myself responding more like Jonah than Joseph, but even when we don't...
Posted by Misty Fitch on 11/01/2021
It has been more than 20 years since I was first exposed to pornography at the age of 10, but pornography has only become more mainstream, easier to find… and hide. In this...
Posted by Crystal Renaud Day on 08/30/2021
It’s been quite a season, hasn’t it? We’ve faced resistance and setbacks. We got our hopes up, we had high expectations, and things didn’t work out. We felt...
We are co-creators with Christ. In this message series, you will grasp the fact that God created you as His masterpiece. It's imperative we believe that we ARE a display...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 08/05/2021
Jesus' issues the invitation to “Come” to Him for salvation. When we accept, we leave our old life behind to follow him. Each of us has a unique role in our Family...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 08/05/2021
How does one have quiet talks with God? I believe that quiet talks with God is spending time constantly with Him and being aware of His presence.Quiet talks with God is your daily...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 08/05/2021
Old pennies that were composed of mainly copper turned green and brown with tarnish when exposed to exterior weather. Nevertheless, it never lost its governmental value. It was...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 07/09/2021
Humans across the globe are realizing the excruciating nature of navigating chronic struggles versus situational stressors. Crystal brings education, encouragement, and vulnerability...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021
When is the last time you felt completely at ease walking into a room, an opportunity, or in the face of opposition? As beings created for community, collaboration, and compassion...
Posted by Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021