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Posted by: Crystal McFadden on 07/02/2021

Healthy Coping: Burnout and Stress Navigation In Seasons of Chronic Struggle

Humans across the globe are realizing the excruciating nature of navigating chronic struggles versus situational stressors. Crystal brings education, encouragement, and vulnerability as a resilience communicator in her delivery of tangible skills audience members can begin today.

Audiences are given the opportunity to practice skills throughout this Crystal Conversation (Cnvrstn) in order to explore options most relevant to their own overwhelming experience of chronic struggle. The impact on our emotions, cognitive abilities, social connections, and financial limitations are addressed and treaded with compassion and education to meet oneself where they are and begin with realistic expectations for both personal and professional efforts.

Industries across the globe have dealt with deadlines, workforce cultures, leadership pressures, and financial quotas that can push a person or entire department to their breaking point.  Crystal recognizes each industry and human experience  is unique, but can be unifying when we move forward on the common foundation as humans. Crystal is surely the realistic and inspirational, resiliency communicator that approaches audiences with a head full of examples and wisdom only God could have allowed her to gain in her personal, professional and academic journey. 

Crystal McFadden LPC -- Healthy Coping: Burnout and Stress Navigation in Seasons of Chronic Struggle -- www.crystalmcfadden.com

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