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Posted by: Kathy Schwanke on 08/05/2021

Come * Grow * Go Light Your World

Jesus' issues the invitation to “Come” to Him for salvation. When we accept, we leave our old life behind to follow him. 

Each of us has a unique role in our Family mission which is fleshed out in our private prayer closets, and in our Family gatherings through worship, fellowship and prayer. Jesus has promised an abundant and fruitful life as we abide in Him.

In this message series, we learn how we are empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit to “Go and make disciples”. Together we will look forward to the rewards God promises us in eternity for our faithful acts of service.

As God’s children we get to adventure with Him, learning to listen for, trust, and obey His voice. 

Kathy encourages women in their unique role by sharing how the Lord patiently led Nicodemus to faith and how He enabled her to overcome her timidity. 

You can be active in confidently sharing your faith wherever God takes you and find great joy in the journey.


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