Have you struggled with finding time for self-care? Maybe it seems like there just isn’t enough time in the day to take care of the house, the kids, fit in your bible study time,...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 10/20/2022
Karen will share how our lives can and should look if we seek first the Kingdom of God. How different our priorities would be if we kept the ‘Kingdom is at hand’...
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7Many women feel invisible – to themselves, to others and even to God. This is a very...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 05/02/2020
Life out of control? Can’t slow down? Too many things to do? Wish for a moment of calm? Where’s the joy? Where’s the peace that passes all understanding? You...
Posted by Karen Donathen-Duffy on 01/15/2020
Unforgiveness causes many problems and no one is immune. Taken from her memoir by the same name, Kelly will lead us to forgiveness—and give us the motivation to want to embrace...
Do you feel your child is beyond help? Don’t lose hope! Kelly shares how God transformed her from Satan’s Little Princess to a Daughter of the King. ----------From...
Candy loves speaking with women and challenging them to rise up to be everything God is calling them to be–as a mother, wife, friend, coworker, minister, and more. The Seven...
Posted by Candy Gibbs on 05/03/2018
Christian teens have been called for such a time as this! Find your passion in Christ, seek Him with your whole heart, and He will thrill you! Candy tackles tough topics with boldness...
Posted by Candy Gibbs on 05/03/2018
Biblical Leadership training for any woman called to lead! In this training, Sherry will cover: spiritual gifts leadership skills personality styles calling...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 07/22/2017
“Hangeth Thou in There” – Finding Strength for the Journey(this series can be modified for four or five talks, depending on schedule/need)We need God's strength...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
Godly Confidence; "Understanding your identity and inheritance you have in Jesus Christ."I. Our inheritance from God; What is it? I will explain through scripture what our inheritance...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 08/31/2016
Has your encounter with God transformed your life?Your ENCOUNTER with God should affect your;...Relationship with Jesus: Has your encounter with the God of the universe truly transformed...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 08/31/2016