Christian Speaker
Reno Nevada
True Freedom is only found in Jesus Christ!
Position | Christian Woman Speaker |
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Reno, NV
Sherry Poundstone is a wellness minister, Biblical health coach, author, and speaker.
Do you want a speaker who inspires and guides your community towards better health? That’s exactly what I do. As a coach and teacher of biblical health principles, I know how important it is for us to be healthy in every way - emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally. We are part of Christ’s body and we should lead by example when it comes to health and wellness. Let's start a journey together towards a healthier life for all of us.
Submitted by Student on Wednesday, Sep 06, 2023
Every event and Bible study that I’ve been to with Sherry as the speaker has been a life change for me. I always receive the right messages and scriptures help me through my journey. Always a blessing to be apart of her ministry.Â
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Submitted by Retreat Attendee on Tuesday, Sep 06, 2022
Sherry is an absolute blessing in my life. Her words are spoken exactly when and what I need to hear. I had the opportunity to hear her speak at a weekend retreat and now on a one on one basis. She is true and powerful. She is an inspiration to me and where I want to be in my marriage, life, friendships etc. Her prayers are absolutely on pint every time.
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Submitted by . on Friday, Sep 02, 2022
Sherry is a wonderful woman. She is a great person to be around and knows how to give a great experience about the gospel. She is someone who you can definitely tell is a woman of God and truly cares about the ones around her. If anyone was to ask for someone to come and speak a teaching or teach an intensive I would recommend her in a heartbeat. Sherry takes pride in what she does for God and the ones around her and I love this about her.
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Submitted by NV Energy on Tuesday, Aug 02, 2022
I had the opportunity to attend one of her weekend events and it was absolutely amazing. She speaks from her heart, experience and truth. She makes you feel comfortable and cared about.
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Submitted by Christian Communicator Graduate; Grace Community Church on Thursday, Dec 16, 2021
Sherry is one of the most supportive and encouraging persons I know. She is committed to God's word and handles it with the gentleness and love that His truth deserves. I highly recommend Sherry as a teacher/speaker at Christian women's events.
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Submitted by Mentioning Intensive on Monday, Aug 09, 2021
This was my first women’s conference and what a better way to jump into one then having Sherry Poundstone be the teacher I was blessed beyond measure at this conference I learned that I’m a beautiful victor and that Jesus loves me very much. I would definitely encourage any of my friends to attend a weekend like this with Sherry Poundstone
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Submitted by Camp Krafve on Monday, Oct 21, 2019
I was so blessed to hear Sherry at a conference. I was so glad to benefit from all her insight and teaching in several sessions. She has an inspired way of relating to her audience and reaching us in the moment with what we need now.
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Submitted by Speaker on Monday, Sep 02, 2019
Sherry Poundstone is an inspiring speaker who brings power packed wisdom and knowledge through truth. Relatable and touchable, Sherry teaches her lessons and and shows everyday life application. I have seen Sherry speak at both single session and week long retreats and have always left feeling empowered, inspired to tackle whatever life throws.
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Submitted by Right At Home/Veterans Administration on Sunday, Aug 11, 2019
Sherry Poundstone is a kind and helpful mentor and an amazing speaker. Sherry pulls from her experiences as a Christian seeking knowledge and freedom in the love of Jesus Christ to help each listener to feel truly inspired. When listening to Sherry one can feel His Presence and know what a great Savior and friend He truly is!
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Submitted by Sparks Nazarene Church on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2019
Sherry has a heart of gold! She has the heart of a teacher and a burden to help women know who they are in Christ. Sherry spoke at our Women's Retreat this last weekend and she was such a blessing. She really prayed and listened to what God wanted and needed our women to hear. She really contends for God to use her and He does! She joined discussion groups and talked with ladies one-on-one. I am so grateful for her minsitry!
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Submitted by The Gathering Place Church on Wednesday, Jul 25, 2018
Sherry did a great job as keynote speaker for our Ladies Retreat! Professional, personable, kind, relevant and inspirational. We highly recommend her!
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Submitted by Sparks Nazarene Church on Saturday, Jul 21, 2018
Sheery was such a fun speaker to have around. Not only did she give great lessons, she participated with us in all aspects of the retreat. She sat with us at meals to get to know us and pray for us! Love love love her and her heart for women!
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Submitted by Gathering Place Church on Saturday, Apr 28, 2018
We loved Sherry’s gentle, engaging manner as she presented Biblical truth. Her prophetic words were very encouraging and we recommend Sherry. Thank you Sherry.
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Submitted by Kimball Baptist Church on Wednesday, Mar 21, 2018
Sherry came to share with just over 100 women in Kimball, Tennessee and she was wonderful! I am confident that she was the woman God had for our conference. She shared relevant and practical truth with style and fun!
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Submitted by Home Educator on Friday, Mar 04, 2016
Sherry Poundstone is one of the most gifted speakers I've had the privilege of listening to. Her knowledge of the word and her presentation of the material set her apart from many other speakers. Christian Women Speakers would benefit greatly from adding Mrs. Poundstone as one of their speakers.
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Submitted by ABC Cleaning on Thursday, Mar 03, 2016
I have known Sherry close to 2yrs. She is the epitome of a devote Christian lady. Sherry has a phenomenal presence as a speaker. She has written study books for women that are biblical, engaging and memorable. She is extremely well versed in the Bible. I would strongly recommend Sherry as a "key" speaker for any Christian event.
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Submitted by Classical Conversations Of Bend, Oregon on Wednesday, Mar 02, 2016
Sherry Poundstone is a Holy Spirit gifted teacher, whether one-on-one, in a small group setting, or a large congregation. She easily connects with her audiences while weaving her personal experiences with biblical references and divine revelation. She is a valuable asset for any speaking event!
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Submitted by Cornerstone Community Church-Wife Of Lead Pastor on Wednesday, Mar 02, 2016
Sherry is a profoundly gifted speaker. She has a way of connecting with the audience and drawing them in to her teachings. Sherry has a thorough understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and effectively shares His love with others through her own testimony. I would definitely recommend Sherry for any public speaking engagement as I have come to know her as a faithful sister in Christ, who has a deep desire to lead others into His kingdom.
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Submitted by Regional Women's Conference Planner on Wednesday, Mar 02, 2016
We asked Sherry Poundstone to speak at a regional women's conference last year, and were so happy with her presentation! Also, her willingness to connect with all the participants and make herself available for prayer, ministry, or conversation made her an ideal and approachable conference speaker. I highly recommend Sherry for your next event!
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Submitted by Calvary Christian Center on Wednesday, Mar 02, 2016
I would highly recommend Sherry Poundstone for speaking engagements. The Word she shares is applicable for everyday living and biblically based. The wisdom she brings is easily entreated. Anyone who attends will leave hopeful and inspired.
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Submitted by Restoration Church on Wednesday, Mar 02, 2016
I have heard Sherry Poundstone speak on numerous occasions. She is always articulate, focused, and prepared. Sherry is right on point with God's Word and she leaves you with something practical to take away.
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Submitted by Immersion Ministries on Tuesday, Mar 01, 2016
Sherry has an anointing to inspire, challenge, and educate the body of Christ. I have found her walk and ministry to be fully guided and equipped by the Holy Spirit. She shares with clarity and spiritual wisdom through her teachings to the women who attend her Bible studies, listen to her radio show, and who attend her speaking events. Sherry has a crazy passionate walk with God and enjoys helping women gain focus and insight into their divine purpose in the Kingdom of God. Sherry has been a mentor in my speaking ministry and an inspirational example on how to be a faith guided woman of character!
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Submitted by House Of Life Ministries on Saturday, Oct 31, 2015
Sherry Poundstone is a dynamic, gifted, anointed, powerful and compassionate speaker. Sherry is lead by the Holy Spirit and obeys the Holy Spirit. Her passion to see believers grow into the full knowledge and love of Jesus Christ is evident in her teaching and her compassion for the people God has entrusted to her. Sherry can minister to the most mature Christian as well as the babe in Christ with such clarity and depth.
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Submitted by Global Pastors Wives Network on Saturday, Oct 31, 2015
I recommend Sherry as a conference speaker, Bible teacher and mentor to women.
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Submitted by Opening His Gift on Saturday, Oct 31, 2015
Sherry is a dynamic speaker who bases all of her teachings on the word of God. She relates to women of all backgrounds and ages and speak truth to all who attend her conferences. She is loved!
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Submitted by Brandi Easterday on Saturday, Oct 31, 2015
At a time in my life when all I could think to do was turn to God, Sherry Poundstone was there. Sherry provided wisdom and spiritual guidance. I began to listen to Coffee and the Word and found something each day that helped me. Sometimes I thought Sherry was talking directly to me. Looking back, I realize that GOD was talking to me and using a wonderful person to do so. I am currently serving in my local church and teaching children about God and learning a lot myself. Brandi E
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How easy it is for us to fall into the pit of offense! There is a way to climb out and stay out of the pit of offense!Through this teaching, Sherry will provide your group with an...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/29/2015
The most requested teaching for a weekend retreat!Becoming a Woman of Character is perfect for a weekend retreat, conference or leadership training.Who are you in the dark?This presentation...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/29/2015
Our past can be filled with memories so powerful that their recall often brings pain to the present. Our stomach knots up. Feelings of inferiority or shame can arise. Our past is not...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/29/2015
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”Unfortunately, this childish chant is not true. A stick may bruise our body for a few days, but words...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/03/2016
One of Sherry's most requested topics!Designed to encourage, build up and release women into a deeper relationship with God."Becoming a woman of power does not mean becoming...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/01/2016
New Year....Fresh Start!It's easy to LIVE with JOY! Learn the 3 steps you can take today to approach life with a positive attitude. Follow God's instruction for a rich...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 09/07/2016
Unwrapping the greatest gift with humor and the Word of God!An uplifting, encouraging message perfect for a luncheon, ladies night out or day conference.Great message for your Christmas...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/04/2018
Learn to live out what you believe!The Live It Out Series: A Life of Prayer, Study the Bible with Purpose, Can You Hear Me Now? Each of these teachings can be a stand-alone topic...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/09/2016
Every woman has a story; a story that involves challenges and victories, pain and joy, fear and peace. What if we were able to spend some time in her shoes? Would what we see,...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/09/2016
One of the most requested topic for a retreat!As women, we carry all kinds of goodies in our handbag! But what's in our spiritual handbag? Through humor and the Word, we will...
You may have heard the saying "Swim in your own lane". But how do we find our lane? What lane does God want us in?How do we flourish, prosper and succeed in that lane? In these...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 03/05/2017
Only God is perfect and complete. We aren’t going to get there during this life on earth. But, we can possess character qualities that reflect integrity and virtue. Living as...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 05/04/2017
YES! There are blessings in the middle of a global pandemic.Too many times, we focus only on on our trials and not on our blessings. Even through a global pandemic, we have much to...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 02/04/2021
We'll take a deep dive into 1 Corinthians 6:19-20! We will dig into this passage and learn 7 steps for caring for our physical body and spiritual health as an act of worship...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 07/20/2023
Are you ready to step into the fullness of your calling and live with purpose? This will be an empowering weekend designed to awaken, equip, and launch you into action!“Awaken,...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 01/03/2025
Biblical Leadership training for any woman called to lead! In this training, Sherry will cover: spiritual gifts leadership skills personality styles calling...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 07/22/2017
Who does God say you are and what has He called you to be and do? The mighty power of God created you to be a unique being! Using the word of God as the plumbline, Sherry...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/25/2017
What do you think of yourself, about your appearance, about your attitude, about your social standing, financial situation, your ability to form healthy relationships?Self-image is...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 02/21/2018
Living Real in Christ is true freedom.In this presentation, we'll take an in-depth look at what it's like to live life REAL. No pretense, no mask....just an honest and...
One thing we can count on is change! But how do we adapt, and even embrace, change as it comes? One of the most requested topics for a women's conference or retreat.In this...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 06/28/2018
As women, we go through different spiritual seasons as well as seasons of life.In this presentation, Sherry will teach you how to navigate the different spiritual seasons with grace...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/21/2018
How can we focus on God in the midst of a busy, and at times chaotic, lifestyle? That's where "breath prayer" comes in!Prayer is as easy as taking a breath! It's...
Let's face it...we all go through the storms of life. And there are times that these trials seem formidable.BUT GOD! He will not only see us through but also teach us, encourage...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/25/2019
Brace for Impact-Meeting the Needs of Your Community Let's talk about meeting the needs of women in your community with love, understanding, kindness...
Identify your passion, find your purpose and stand on the promises of God.This weekend retreat is designed to start you on the path to finding your purpose, (or confirming it), identify...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/29/2023
This gathering is designed specifically for women who desire to deepen their understanding of Scripture, experience fellowship with like-minded believers, and draw closer to God through...
Solving the Puzzle-Find the Missing Pieces is designed as a weekend retreat or conference.Missing Something?Are you feeling like something’s missing in your life? Join Sherry...
As a wellness minister, I am on a mission to help Christians optimize their health: emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally, to be effective witnesses in the realm of health! Plans...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 07/19/2023
"Becoming a woman of power does not mean becoming a woman who controls and dominates. It does mean becoming a woman who influences her marriage, home, family, workplace, and faith community in a positive and edifying way. A woman of power builds up rather than tearing down." Lesson 1, Becoming a Woman of Power with God...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/01/2016
Who are you in the dark? Character is much more than what others see on the outside. It has been said that character is who we are when no one is looking, or when there is no one around to judge us or give us a pat on the back. This 12 week Bible study will guide you through the process of developing your character....
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/01/2016
Sherry's Holistic Health Group Are you looking for a supportive and encouraging environment to help you on your journey to health? Join my private Facebook group. You'll find the motivation, advice and friendships you need to stay the course and meet your goals. I'll be there to support you with tips, resources, recipes and even personal coaching when needed. ...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 07/20/2023
Join me for my weekly radio show! My mission is to help the body of Christ become healthier, and to be a notable example to the world through counseling, coaching, and teaching biblical health principles. ...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/01/2023