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Posted by: Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017

Retreat Series: “Hangeth Thou in There” – Finding Strength for the Journey

“Hangeth Thou in There” – Finding Strength for the Journey

(this series can be modified for four or five talks, depending on schedule/need)

We need God's strength every day. How do we walk by faith, rejoice in suffering, and hang in there for the long haul as long as God gives us breath?

Talk 1: Strength in the Father’s Arms

True strength comes from recognizing and accepting our weaknesses. Resting in Jesus gives us all we need to follow His purpose for our lives.

Talk 2: Finding Strength . . . Through His Word

Scripture is the grounding for our faith, the grid for our belief system and our guide for our lifestyle and daily journey (Romans 15:4, Psalm 42:1)

Talk 3: Finding Strength . . . Through His People

We provide strength for others by being accepting, by being available, by coming alongside and by being a “sister”, assisting those who need to be brought to Jesus. (Romans 15:7, Romans 12:15, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, Luke 5:18-19)

Talk 4: Finding Strength . . . Through His Call

When we understand God’s call on our lives – to be His child and to grow in His likeness, we can persevere with joy and confidence. (I Corinthians 7:16-17, Ephesians 1:4, Romans 8:29)

Talk 5: Finding Strength . . . Through His Presence

The more time we spend in God’s presence, the more we are reminded who God is, who we are and what it is we need to be doing. (Psalm 103)

All retreat series include talk outlines, small group discussion questions, bible references, and a quiet time meditation guide.

Sue Donaldson, founder WelcomeHeart, https://www.welcomeheart.com

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