Many times we want God to yell at us or send us a flashing neon sign to direct our path and tell us which way to go. However, if we will just get still and sit at His feet, we can...
Posted by Angela Chambers on 12/19/2023
Todays topic “Jesus”. The unavoidable stone Matt 211 pet 2Isa. 8:15Ps 118...
Posted by Mamie Jones on 07/28/2023
Women often shrink from their calling to be who God designed them to be out of fear, doubt, or deep-rooted insecurities. This 3-session one-day conference or full weekend retreat based...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 01/15/2023
Whose DREAM is it anyways? In her TRADEMARK TALK, Linette uses the acrostic D.R.E.A.M. to give practical STEP by STEP instructions that will help LAUNCH the missions, callings...
Posted by Linette Rainville on 09/14/2022
Published article on Intercessors, Finish the Task! - Intercessors for America ( Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a tells us the Israelites rebuilt the broken down walls of...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 08/17/2022
Blueprint: In today’s world people are doing so much, yet what are they getting accomplished? Doesn’t it appear that people’s aim is off and their patience is wearing...
Love big, love boldly is not always easy, but is so worth it. Mothering is hard, and it’s easy to fall prey to reacting in big, bad, ugly ways to our kids’ big, bad, ugly...
You can boost thinking, writing, and reading programs. You can help your struggling student succeed and your successful student to excel. Some schools don't bother to teach...
Posted by Nancy E. Head on 06/07/2020
Even a baby has power, but God created you to be eternally powerful for His glory. Discover how to think about your options, and how they'll affect your eternity, as you journey...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 08/02/2019
Would you rather stick a fork in your eye than have people over to your home? Does the thought of entertaining make you break out in hives – or send you into a Pinterest Panic? Learn...
“What is God asking of you and how do you know if it's really God asking!. …so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
My former friends procrastination, denial, and avoidance, and I learned a lesson from a mattress today..Today was one of “those” days. I awoke exhausted as if I had not...
Posted by Connie Ruth Christiansen on 10/28/2018