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Posted by: Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018

Holy Ambition

“What is God asking of you and how do you know if it's really God asking!. …so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9
 Isaiah was a scribe in the royal palace in Jerusalem. It was a respectable career and he was happy. But it was not God’s plan for Isaiah. God asked, “ Whom shall I send as a messenger to my people? Who will go? Isaiah said,” I’ll go. Send me.” It was Isaiah’s holy ambition to spread God’s message. It stopped him from doing other things he may have wanted to do. He was passionate and committed to the message. This was Isaiah’s Holy Ambition. What is God asking of you? What is He telling you?  How will your search strengthen your relationship with Jesus? When will you answer Him? What will you say?  And how will your answer affect your character? Do you have something you want to do for the glory of God? Do you have something you are spiritually focused on and passionate about? We call that kind of desire an “ambition.” But we call it “Holy Ambition” when it is something God wants you to do.  If you aren’t sure what God wants from you, come and find out how to hear God’s words literally walk you down His path. Find out what your Holy Ambition is and how to proceed down the path He has prepared exclusively for you. 

All session are 60 minute teachings, 

however can be condensed 

for 20-30 minute sermons


OR EMAIL YVONNE @.   Smile@yvonneconte.com



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