In this series, Beth approaches the seemingly elusive gift from the Holy Spirit - Joy. Each session is unique and brings out something different in us for each one. Each session can...
We are women who hunger and thirst and most of the time we are running on empty. In John 4 we meet the Samaritan woman who didn't even know she was thirsty. We...
This is a conference series that focuses on the paralytic man at the pool of Bethesda and the Woman at the well in Samaria. Both sessions share a bit of information regarding the actual...
Trade your anxiety, disappointments, and offensiveness for contentment, peace and agape love as Deborah leads you through this program, concluding with a demonstration not soon to...
In these sessions, Beth shares her personal testimony of how God changed and rearranged her life. In dramatic fashion she tells us and shows us how through Him she triumphed over broken...